Intro to Goland for Go Developers

Intro to Goland for Go Developers

GoLand, developed by JetBrains, is a versatile cross-platform Integrated Development Environment tailored specifically for Go developers. It provides seamless support for a wide range of front-end technologies and databases, making it an ideal choice for those diving into full-stack web development projects.

With integrated support for Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform, GoLand extends its capabilities to cover various DevOps tasks, enhancing its utility across the development spectrum.

Key Features

  • Go Modules Integration: Streamlined support for managing dependencies with expanded Go modules integration.

  • Smart Code Completion: Employs intelligent completion mechanisms to provide relevant symbols applicable to the current coding context.

  • Inspections and Quick Fixes: Instantly identifies and suggests fixes for code issues, ensuring swift and efficient problem resolution.

  • Refactorings: Facilitates seamless code modification with a suite of refactorings like Change Signature, Move, Extract/Introduce, and Rename.

  • Efficient Navigation: Enables swift navigation between interfaces and their implementations, enhancing code exploration and understanding.

  • Debugger: Equipped with advanced debugging capabilities including conditional breakpoints, expression evaluation, and streamlined goroutine identification.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Features an intuitive test runner and coverage tool, allowing for seamless test writing, debugging, and coverage analysis.

  • Built-in Profiling: Utilizes Memory, CPU, Mutex, and Block profilers to offer insights into application performance and resource utilization.

With its wide range of tools and easy-to-use interface, GoLand helps developers work more efficiently and get more done when working with Go.

Exploring Goland's Interface

The new user interface (UI) in GoLand, designed to enhance visual clarity and streamline accessibility, introduces a refreshed look and feel for developers. With simplified toolbars, updated themes, and intuitive navigation, GoLand aims to provide a more seamless and efficient coding experience. The main toolbar now features easily accessible widgets for project management, version control system (VCS) integration, and run configurations, empowering developers to switch between tasks effortlessly. Additionally, the revamped tool windows offer improved layout and customization options, allowing users to tailor their workspace to suit their preferences.

In GoLand's new UI, editor tabs and gutter elements have been optimized for better readability and usability. Editor tabs now use larger fonts and offer multiple display options to accommodate varying screen sizes. Breakpoints and folding icons have been redesigned to reduce visual clutter, while Git Blame annotations feature updated color palettes for enhanced visibility. The debugging and run tool windows have been consolidated to conserve screen space, ensuring a more focused and immersive coding environment. Overall, GoLand's new interface reflects a commitment to enhancing developer productivity and user experience.


In summary, GoLand's new interface makes coding easier and more enjoyable. With a cleaner workspace and simpler navigation, developers can focus better on writing code. Customizable toolbars and easy-to-use editor tabs help improve productivity. GoLand provides all the tools developers need in a user-friendly package, making it easier to build applications. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, GoLand helps you work faster and bring your ideas to life.
